20151228 麻浩男 添加自定义component后添加路径引用声明 修改文件列表: Yii2/base/Application.php Yii2/web/Application.php 修改详细描述: 在类上方修改或添加component声明 Yii2/base/Application.php 修改@property \framework\client\web\AssetManager $assetManager The asset manager application component. This property is read-only. 修改@property \yii\redis\Cache $cache The cache application component. Null if the component is not enabled. 修改@property View|\framework\client\web\View $view The view application component that is used to render various view files. This property is read-only. 新增@property \framework\client\helpers\CdnHelper $cdn The cdn component. This property is read-only. 新增@property \yii\redis\Connection $redis The redis component. This property is read-only. Yii2/web/Application.php 修改@property \yii\redis\Session $session The session component. This property is read-only. 20151228 修改人 修改要点说明 修改文件列表: 修改的文件路径1 修改的文件路径2 修改详细描述: 按需写简单的修改原因和设计要点。